Mrs Helen M Caulfield



Helen Caulfield (Nee Myatt) graduated from University College Hospital School of Medicine, London, UK in 1987. She showed an early commitment to pursuing a surgical career, obtaining a highly prestigious professorial unit House Officer’s job as her first post at UCLH. She completed training in Neurosurgery at Kings College, London and General Surgery at Charring Cross Hospital, London. Subsequently she developed a broad-based ENT training rotating through St. Bartholomew’s Hospital and the North Thames Sector Hospitals, including the prestigious Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital in London and the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford…

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Our Services

Tongue Tie

A tongue-tie (also known as Ankyloglossia) is caused by a short or tight membrane under the tongue (the lingual frenulum). It is a congenital condition that runs in families and affects boys more than girls…

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